CHANTEPY RITH, Attorney-At-Law & Business Advisor
Tepy is an Attorney-At-Law under the Bar Association of Cambodia and associate at the law offices of Sotheaphal, Samnang, Sophy & Partners (SP&P).Furthermore, she is a Senior Adviser for Nitei Niron Notary Public (Nitei Niron).Tepy obtained a bachelor’s degree in law from the Royal University of Law and Economics in 2015. In her sophomore year during her pursuit of bachelor’s degree, she started experiencing the legal practice by working as a legal assistant in a private law office called Independence Law Group (ILG).In May 2016, Tepy joined SP&P and Nitei Niron Notary Public as a legal assistant, prior to receiving a scholarship from Transnational University of Laws and Business, Republic of Korea for a Master of Law. In May 2020, upon her return to Cambodia, she rejoined SP&P and Nitei Niron as a senior associate and as an attorney-at-law.She is currently a senior member of the Litigation Group. Tepy demonstrates a deep understanding of the ever-evolving legal landscape, enabling her to provide innovative solutions that meet her client’s unique needs both in business and litigation matters. She handles drafting, reviewing, and advising on loan and security contracts, immovable property-related contracts, testamentary gifts and wills, registering and deregistering companies and applying for corporate changes with Council for the Development of Cambodia, the Ministry of Commerce, and the General Department of Taxation.
Tepy speaks Khmer and English and is contactable through phone number: (+855) 92 915 242 and e-mail: chantepy@spp-legal.com.